Below is a full list of Aetna PPO dental providers in Southfield, Michigan.
You can easily find Aetna PPO dental provider phone number and address by entering the name of the facility, zip code, city, or street into the search box to quickly find dental care locations near your desired area.
Due to potential changes in provider contracts, we strongly recommend that you contact the listed providers by phone to confirm up-to-date information before scheduling an appointment.
Aetna Dentists | City/State | Address | Phone Number | Specialties |
Broussard, Avis M., DDS | Southfield, MI 48033 | 24800 Lahser Road | (248) 357-1999 | General Practice - Dental |
Saleem, Rafi, DDS | Southfield, MI 48033 | 22972 Lahser Road,Suite 2 | (248) 843-9191 | General Practice - Dental |
Hogugi Hoghooghi, Shiva, DDS | Southfield, MI 48034 | 26206 West 12 Mile Road,Suite 303 | (248) 356-8790 | General Practice - Dental |
Kthar, Amal Ganim, DDS | Southfield, MI 48034 | 28626 Telegraph Road | (248) 647-7550 | General Practice - Dental |
Patel, Gunja, DMD | Southfield, MI 48034 | 26561 West 12 Mile Road,Suite 105 | (248) 864-7400 | General Practice - Dental |
O'Malley, Carmen Margaret, DDS | Southfield, MI 48034 | 28626 Telegraph Road | (248) 647-7550 | General Practice - Dental |
Hagelthorn, Bruce A., DDS | Southfield, MI 48034 | 26206 West 12 Mile Road,Suite 303 | (248) 356-8790 | General Practice - Dental |
Bentur, Vajreshwari N., DDS | Southfield, MI 48034 | 29201 Telegraph Road,Suite 110 | (248) 358-2910 | Endodontics |
Riley, Irving Norflin, DDS | Southfield, MI 48034 | 29355 Northwestern Hwy.,Suite 200 | (248) 358-5500 | Surgery, Oral & Maxillofacial |
Noory, Gabrielle D., DDS | Southfield, MI 48034 | 29201 Telegraph Road,Suite 110 | (248) 358-2910 | Endodontics |
Dawisha, Danielle Lucy, DDS | Southfield, MI 48075 | 19189 West 10 Mile Road | (248) 996-8756 | General Practice - Dental |
Doku, Rezan, DDS | Southfield, MI 48075 | 19189 West 10 Mile Road | (248) 996-8756 | General Practice - Dental |
Patel, Gunja, DMD | Southfield, MI 48075 | 19189 West 10 Mile Road | (248) 996-8756 | General Practice - Dental |
Nafso, Justin, DMD | Southfield, MI 48075 | 19189 West 10 Mile Road | (248) 996-8756 | General Practice - Dental |
Williams, Houston Erwin, DDS | Southfield, MI 48075 | 20905 Greenfield Road,Suite 308M | (248) 424-9555 | General Practice - Dental |
Moureiden, Bana, DMD | Southfield, MI 48075 | 19189 West 10 Mile Road | (248) 996-8756 | General Practice - Dental |
Kinaia, Atheel Malkey, DDS | Southfield, MI 48075 | 19189 West 10 Mile Road | (248) 996-8756 | General Practice - Dental |
McQuirter, Diana Iris, DDS | Southfield, MI 48075 | 19189 West 10 Mile Road | (248) 996-8756 | General Practice - Dental |
Joseph, Spencer Loren, DDS | Southfield, MI 48075 | 19010 West 10 Mile Road | (248) 353-6466 | Orthodontics |
McQuirter, Diana Iris, DDS | Southfield, MI 48075 | 19189 West 10 Mile Road | (248) 996-8756 | General Practice - Dental |
Joseph, Spencer Loren, DDS | Southfield, MI 48075 | 19010 West 10 Mile Road | (248) 353-6466 | Orthodontics |
Mcgettrick, Shanna Marie, DDS | Southfield, MI 48075 | 19178 West 10 Mile Road | (248) 354-1555 | General Practice - Dental |
Schwarcz, Jack, DDS | Southfield, MI 48075 | 18800 West Ten Mile Road,Suite 102 | (248) 443-1350 | Periodontics |
Khemmoro, Thomas Mark, DMD | Southfield, MI 48075 | 19189 West 10 Mile Road | (248) 996-8756 | General Practice - Dental |
Kaakarli, Ahmed A., DDS | Southfield, MI 48076 | 19931 West 12 Mile Road,Suite L28 | (248) 212-0400 | General Practice - Dental |
Abduljalil, Nour, DDS | Southfield, MI 48076 | 19931 West 12 Mile Road,Suite L28 | (248) 212-0400 | General Practice - Dental |
Mikha Kizy, Amber Danial, DDS | Southfield, MI 48076 | 19931 West 12 Mile Road,Suite L28 | (248) 212-0400 | General Practice - Dental |
Adlai, Eugenia, DDS | Southfield, MI 48076 | 16800 West 12 Mile Road,Suite 103 | (248) 352-4789 | General Practice - Dental |
Meshaal, Ardwan, DDS | Southfield, MI 48076 | 30555 Southfield Road,Suite 310 | (248) 965-8707 | General Practice - Dental |
Jassim, Arjewan, DDS | Southfield, MI 48076 | 30555 Southfield Road,Suite 310 | (248) 965-8707 | General Practice - Dental |
Khusro, Khansa, DDS | Southfield, MI 48076 | 19931 West 12 Mile Road,Suite L28 | (248) 212-0400 | General Practice - Dental |
Chamseddine, Sarah, DDS | Southfield, MI 48076 | 19931 West 12 Mile Road,Suite L28 | (248) 212-0400 | General Practice - Dental |