Below is a full list of Dentists accept Aetna in Pontiac, Michigan.
You can easily Find Aetna dentists near your area by entering the name of the facility, zip code, city, or street into the search box to quickly find dental care locations near your desired area.
Due to potential changes in provider contracts, we strongly recommend that you contact the listed providers by phone to confirm up-to-date information before scheduling an appointment.
Aetna Dentists | City/State | Address | Phone Number | Specialties |
Alturki, Hadil Gamal, DDS | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 1101 East Walton Blvd., Suite 300 | (248) 248-9989 | General Practice - Dental |
Zaltsman, Miriam, DMD | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 1101 East Walton Blvd., Suite 300 | (248) 499-9989 | General Practice - Dental |
Branch-Yapa, Bonita R., DDS | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 816 Joslyn Avenue | (248) 258-1431 | General Practice - Dental |
Khalil, Rami Ibrahim, DDS | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 1101 East Walton Blvd., Suite 300 | (248) 499-9989 | General Practice - Dental |
Mohammadzadeh, Yekta, DDS | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 1101 East Walton Blvd., Suite 300 | (248) 499-9989 | General Practice - Dental |
Wang, Jing, DDS | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 1101 East Walton Blvd., Suite 300 | (248) 499-9989 | General Practice - Dental |
Setaputri, Stephanie Andrea, DDS | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 1101 East Walton Blvd., Suite 300 | (248) 499-9989 | General Practice - Dental |
Patel, Gunja, DMD | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 1101 East Walton Blvd., Suite 300 | (248) 499-9989 | General Practice - Dental |
Liang, Yan, DDS | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 1018 Joslyn Avenue | (248) 333-7831 | General Practice - Dental |
Kim, Young Do, DDS | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 1101 East Walton Blvd., Suite 300 | (248) 499-9989 | General Practice - Dental |
Albishara, Meshleen I., DMD | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 1101 East Walton Blvd., Suite 300 | (248) 499-9989 | General Practice - Dental |
Kim, Pyojae, DDS | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 1101 East Walton Blvd., Suite 300 | (248) 499-9989 | General Practice - Dental |
Wadood, Sabrina Imran, DDS | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 1101 East Walton Blvd., Suite 300 | (249) 499-9989 | General Practice - Dental |
Khalil, Mazen, DMD | Pontiac, MI 48340 | 1101 East Walton Blvd., Suite 300 | (248) 499-9989 | General Practice - Dental |